The conflict in Ukraine initiated in 2014, not in 2022, marking eight years of enduring suffering for the global community, particularly the Ukrainian populace, owing to the absence of adequate...
Historical Background
In 1988, the "Nagorno-Karabakh conflict", which occurred as a result of the independence and annexation movements of Armenian parliamentarians in Karabakh, did not start...
The 2022 G20 summit will convene next month in Bali, Indonesia Following the international transformations and tensions that the international scene has experienced in the last two years, this...
The Monroe Doctrine, dating back to 1823, is the most renowned among American presidential doctrines While some perceive it as a sign of American isolationism, I argue that it was actually aimed at...
The conflicts between Azerbaijan and Armenia have been occupying the agenda for the last 2 months In an environment where both sides accuse each other and some incidents have not reached a clear...
In 2020, just a few weeks before the COVID-19 virus hit Türkiye, my cousin and I were on our way to Rome, but with a sudden change of, we found ourselves in the historic streets of Bukhara, which...
China should have exercised caution in its approach to global politics much earlier, recognizing that true greatness as a power lies not just in economic or industrial prowess, but in the...
Livet forstås baglæns, men må leves forlænsSoren Kierkegaard
The Pacific Islands Forum, or Pacific Islands Forum (PAF), was established in 1971 as the South Pacific Forum with the...
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